Matt Schnell vs. Alessandro Costa

Matt Schnell is insanely tough and has one of the greatest comebacks this sport has ever seen when he beat Sumaderji. The problem is we don't know your tough unless you've been in wars and I think all the wars that Matt has been in, have caught up to him. His chin is gone and Costa is not someone you can just tough your way through. Alessandro Costa should dominate here and he is a high confidence pick.

Matt Schnell

Matt Schnell is a tough as nails striker with solid BJJ. He prefers to counter strike and does a great job getting you to follow him so he can plant his feet and fire back with combinations. He doesn't shoot every often and averages fewer than 1 takedown per fight, but his BJJ is slick and he snatches things up in scrambles well. But while he can be slick on the ground he does struggle to get it there with a low 44% takedown accuracy. He is coming off the KO loss to Steve Erceg where he brought the fight but got blasted.

Alessandro Costa

Alessandro Costa is a solid striker with pretty good takedown defense. His striking style is a high tight guard and patience. He will wait and find his spots. When he decides to throw, he throws with 100% intent and does a really nice job of small combinations. He will leap in with a left to the body then a right up top to the head. He has very real power and insane leg kicks, but can be low volume. He is coming off the finish win over Kevin Borjas.