Manuel Torres vs. Ignacio Bahamondes

I don't really know what to do here because this is such a good matchup. Manuel Torres looked like the real deal in his last fight. But Ignacio is no slouch himself. The knock on him in the past was that he wasn't always aggressive, but he definitely was in his last fight. I think I am going to slight lean Ignacio here for 3 reasons, 1, his length can give a lot of people problems, 2, he has more high level experience and has fought the better competition and 3, Manuel pulled guard in his last fight. Yes, he ultimately got the finish, but doing stuff like that against Ignacio will just lose you minutes. Bahamondes is the pick but maybe the bet is a round under or fight does not go the distance as both of these guys are dangerous.

Manuel Torres

Manuel Torres is a well rounded guy who has dangerous striking and dangerous grappling. His striking isn't technical but he uses his knees from the clinch really well and loves throwing head and legs kicks. He is long and skinny and he really does a great job working with that – his submission are long limb style submissions with triangles, power guilotines anything that uses leverage. Same logic with his clinchwork. He is coming off the submission win over Chris Duncan where he jumped guillotine before working on the ground.

Ignacio Bahamondes

Ignacio Bahamondes is an insanely tall 6'3 and he typically uses that size and reach well. He is a striker with incredible volume and ok power. He has very good foot work and head movement which protects him from power shots and solid takedown defense at 85%. His takedown offense however sits at a horrendous at 0% where he is 0-5 in the UFC . He is coming off the KO win over Christos Giagos where he came out aggressive and looked great.