Line Movement Tracker Tutorial
Line Movement Tracker Tutorial

The We Want Picks Line Movement Tracker is a tool that has been voted by our members to be the most helpful on the website. The name is pretty self explanatory, it tracks line movement for each UFC event starting with the opening odds and then monitoring the movement throughout the week so that you can spot which trends to jump on and which ships to abandon before you get caught holding the bag!



There are no secrets when it comes to tracking line movement. There are a ton of free resources across the internet that will track line movement completely free of charge for you. The issue with those free resources is that they DO NOT track gain, or loss, in value. To make matters worse, betting lines are not commonly understood by most people. Want to test the theory?

Quick – What is the implied probability on a -187 betting line and a -225 betting line? You have absolutely no idea, it’s ok, neither do we. Math is hard. To really understand betting lines you need to look at them in terms of what they convert to in implied probability. Most people would say that the line moved much too far to bet on a -187 fighter at -225, but the reality is that the line movement in our example only represents a 4% change in implied probability. That means that instead of a fighter winning 65% of the time, you need them to win 69% of time.

In order to get that information from the free resources you need to use a completely different web page, or dust off your calculator and figure out the implied probability in both the opening line and the current line. Then you would need to take both of those numbers and find the difference. That’s quite the process.

Then to take it a step further, you need to remove the vigorish from the line to get the true probability also. Our Line Movement Tracker does that for you so that you are being shown the true probability and not the juiced implied probability.

With the We Want Picks Line Movement Tracker you will be provided those conversions for every single fighter, on every single card, without the need to even produce one bead of sweat doing math. Finally, you will be provided a visual of what that means when it comes to the value gained or value lost on that movement.



There are only two requirements for using the Line Movement Tracker, you will need eyeballs, and a basic understanding of numbers. In reality the eyeballs are optional because our chart will read the numbers to those of you without working eyeballs. Knowing the difference between numbers is non-negotiable however. 

Simply find the fighter you are considering betting on, then follow the chart to see which way the line is moving. If it is moving in the wrong direction for your liking, then you may want to act fast to secure value on that fighter. If the line movement is getting more favorable then you may want to hold off and monitor it a few times a day to get the most from your bet.



The line movement data you will find on the Line Movement Tracker tool does exactly what the name implies by tracking the line movement on UFC fighter’s betting lines. It also then uses that information to calculate the gain or loss in betting value for you which can be the difference between a losing or profitable week.

Line Movement Tracker

Here is the legend for the abbreviations on this chart;

  • OPEN = Opening Betting Odds
  • CURRENT = Current Betting Odds
  • PROB = Current Odds Implied Probability
  • MOVEMENT = Change in Value



To access the Line Movement Tracker tool on We Want Picks you just need to be a Premium Member. Our Members enjoy access to all of our bets, all of our tools, and all of our insight for one low price of just $10 per month! Sign up today by clicking here if you are not already a member!