Kai Kara-Frace vs. Steve Erceg

This fight will come down to Steve's ability to get this fight to the ground and I don't know if he can. Kai has great striking and as long as he isn't hesitant he should dominate on the feet with speed and accuracy. While he has great takedown defense, the problem is he is just a tiny little thing. A small child masquerading as a full grown man. Steve is big for the division and could work this to cage and drag Kai down. But again, if he can't then he likely gets beat up on the feet. This is honestly a close fight, far closer than the odds and this is another situation where i think a +3.5 bet is great. Kai can absolutely win one round if not the whole fight.

Kai Kara-France

Kai Kara-France is a very good boxer with a ton of power and volume. He is technically sound and works really well inside and outside of the pocket. He has very solid takedown defense at 88%. He can be hesitent at times but when he does let his hands go, he looks good. He is coming off a split decision loss to Amir Albazi a year ago.

Steve Erceg

Steve Erceg is a slick grappler who attacks very quickly and snatches things up in scrambles. His striking is quickly improving and he does have nice calves kicks with solid volume. He has a very wide stance with limited head movement which is why he is hit with more than 4 signifigant strikes per minute. He moves very fluidly and seizes opportunities on the ground. He is coming off the very close decision loss to Alexandre Pantoja where he was taken down 9 times.