Brian Ortega vs. Diego Lopes

As most of you know, this fight was supposed to be the co-main event at UFC 303, but Brian Ortega is an unprofessional fatty who couldn't make the weight work. Instead of fighting that fat slob Brian Ortega in the co-main event slot, Dan Ige stepped up on short notice and birthed the “Thank you Dan” chant.

Anyone picking Brian Ortega here is going point at Diego's last fight and say he looked bad and faded in the 3rd. While that is not an inaccurate statement at it's core, its lacking context. Yes, Diego Lopes did lose the 3rd round on his last fight against a guy who stepped up on literally a few hours notice. But we can't ignore the fact that the weight class of his last fight changed multiple times and he had an opponent switch just hours before he stepped into a co-main event slot on a PPV. That is stressful and taxing not only emotionally but physically. So did he fade? yes, do I think it was a true cardio issue? no. I thought Diego was going to steamroll Ortega last time and I think he will again this time. Diego is the pick and I have a unit on him at -175 (instead of the -150) i got last time

Brian Ortega

Brian Ortega is a phenomenal grappler who like so many others doesn't have very good wrestling with a low 23% accuracy. He has solid offensive striking but his defense needs work. He is hit with almost 7 significant strikes per minute which a very high number. He is hot and cold in his fights which makes breaking him down hard. Even in his last fight, he was absolutely destroyed, but hung tough, gritted through it and worked his way to a win. He's a nasty grappler who is tough and can't be counted out.

Diego Lopes

Diego Lopes is a dangerous grappler who despite being so young is coaching some of the better fighters in Mexico. While he doesn't have the best takedowns or takedown defense, his BJJ is very dangerous. He is a well rounded guy who also likes to throw heavy powershots and chase finishes. His striking can get wild but he keeps things in combinations and likes to methodically work forward until he has the opportunity to uncork. He is coming off the decision win over Dan Ige at UFC 303 when when Brian Ortega dropped just hours before the fight.