Yuneisy Duben vs. Carli Judice


Back to normal Ang, this is a ridiculous betting line for this fight. Carli is insanely hittable and wears damage. Carli is the better fighter here, because as I mentioned Duben isn't very good. But there is something to be said about good old fashion gun slinging. I would actually go all in on Duben here, but I have no idea what her cardio is like since she hasn't been to a decision. I am going to have some fun here and pick Duben based purely off of a willingness to engage, but I think the only bet that could make sense would be a round under.

Yuneisy Duben

Yuneisy Duben is an aggressive striker who rushes forward with missels on her chest and bombs in her hands. She recorded one of the best knockouts on the Contender Series and certinaly the best female KO. She literally moved forward, didn't care what was coming her way and went off. That was a perfectly embodiment of who she is as a fighter, which makes her impossible to break down. She's not good, she's crazy tough, loves to fight and never quits.

Carli Judice

Carli Judice is a striker with decent combinations and volume. She does a good job mixing in punches and kicks and alternates between the two quickly. She sets a nice pace and can move forward throwing combinations for the entire fight. She can be taken down but has a solid get up game when she is taken down. She is coming her second split decision loss in a row, this time to Gabriella Fernandes where she was very hittable and showed damage because she is Sam Patterson pale.

Angelo Bodetti

Angelo Bodetti

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