Renato Moicano vs. Benoit Saint-Denis

What ironic here is that Renato's last fight and BSD's last fight were almost identical, but they were on opposite sides of that coin. Renato got his ass kicked but survived and won by finish. BSD did the as kicking but didn't survive and lost by finish. I think we get more of the same but without the come from behind finish. I think BSD beats the piss out of Renato, but actually finishes there. Moicano has a suspect chin and BSD will absolutely test it. With that being said, I'm a scaredy cat and after seeing their last fights, not sure I can bet on BSD.

Renato Moicano

Renato Moicano is a high level BJJ blackbelt who is also is a technical striker. He doesn't have stoppage power but does have nice volume and a good pace. His chin is a bit shaky, but he is very tough and very skilled. He averages almost 2 takedowns per fight with a 45% accuracy but doesn't have the cleanest takedowns and usually ends up clinching or dragging to the ground. He is coming off that come from behind win at UFC 300 where Jalin Turner had him 99% knocked out and thought he had a walkoff.

Benoit Saint-Denis

Benoit st. Denis is a strong wrestler with well timed shots and a ton of pressure on top. He has a good old fashion lower your level and attack the legs style wrestling which is very effective for him. He has 7 fights in the UFC with 18 takedowns which is incredible considering he has only seen the 3rd round once. When he gets it to the ground he has very good pressure and works to submissions well. He has a ton of power on his feet which he brings with him to the ground but he can be hittable. He is all gas, no breaks but did just get broken down by Dustin Poirier in the second round after dominating the first.