Ronaldo Rodriguez vs. Ode Osbourne

Couple of things here, first off, people HATE that Ode Osbourne is on the main card, they are using him as the core to their argument that this card sucks. I disagree. Ode is a fun guy who always brings the fight and we cannot forget that this is a Mexico card and the UFC is using this slot to showcase Ronaldo. If Raul Rosas was in this slot, no one would complain. The second point I want to make here is that Ode is good and even though he is on a skid, it's because of his wrestling, not his striking and Ronaldo doesn't have the best takedowns. His BJJ is very good, but his takedowns aren't. I am still picking Ronaldo to win here because he has multiple paths, but I am likely staying away from bets here. Don't fall into the “Ode sucks” trap, just go watch Ronaldo's Contender Series fight.

Ronaldo Rodriguez

Ronaldo Rodriguez is a patient striker with some real power. He likes to plot forward and find his spots before laying it on and hunting for the finish. He has no problem eating leg kicks so he can counter with big hooks. He is dialed in and laser focused on the feet. He has a solid chin but can be hit because he keeps his hands at shoulder height. He has decent takedowns and BJJ as well but it only gets there when people take it there.

Ode Osbourne

Ode Osbourne is a is a southpaw striker who uses range well to keep people at the end of his punches. He has a ton of power and great finishing ability especially at 125lbs. He has 5 wins in the UFC with takedowns in 3 of them but he is coming off the back to back losses where his takedown defense failed him.